Saturday 19 September 2020

B,Com Part - 1 - 2015


Q1. (A) Define with example. (10)

(i) Direct object  (ii) Nominative Case

(iii) Relative Pronoun   (iv) Transitive Verb

 (v) Infinitives 

(B) do as directed: (10)

(i) She tried to cheat me. (turn into interrogative)

(ii) It snows on the mountains  (turn into negative)

(iii) He does not live here    (mood)

(iv) Eggs sell by the dozens.  (correct it)

(v) Wear  ( write the second and third forms)

Q2.(A) Change the numbers: (05)

(i) Calf (ii) leaf  (iii) focus  (iv) radius  (v) story

(B)Write adjectives: (05)

(i) Circle (ii) Glory  (iii) Depth  (iv) Memory  (v) Rely

(C) Give antonyms: (05)

(i) Latter  (ii) obsolete  (iii) Query (iv) Idential (v) Lack

(D) Change the genders: (05)

(i) Earl  (II) poet  (iii) Stallion  (iv) Witch  (v) Duke

Q3.(A) Insert articles: (05)

(i) What --- nice man .

(ii) ----- Holy Quran is----sacred book of ---- Muslims.

(iii) He gave me ---one rupee note 

(iv) Are you ---- one I need?

(v) Do not hate ---poor.

(B) Insert prepositions: (05)

(I) I am tired ----life. (ii) I am obliged ---you.

(iii) ---- your kindness.   (iv) Rely---- your parents.

(v) I am satisfied ---it

(C) Use the right verbs: (05) 

(i) Would that I (be) a queen. (ii) if you help me I (succeed)

(iii) A function (hold) are dailyo  (iv) You had better (gone ) now.

(v) Urdu (speak) in Pakistan.

(D) One word practice :  (05)

(i) Not capable of listening.  (ii) Capable of being divided.

(iii) A poem on someone's death .

(iv) Having two or more meanings .

(v) A post for which nothing is paid .

Q4 (A) Change narration: (10) 

(i) She said to me ,"Do you want to come here ?"

(ii) She said to me, "Do not look at me like that?"

(iii) I said to her, "Which class do you read in ?"

(iv)I said to her let me ask you a question."

(v) She asked me how long I had been waiting for her.

(B) Change the voice.  (10)   

 (i) Do not tease me.

(ii) I am missing him anxiously. 

(iii) She has defamed me for nothing. 

(iv) Give me a pen.

(v) I should not be held in the hand by a mad man .

Q5 (A) Use the right option.  (05)

 (i) The Kashmir day --- the Pakistan day.(precedes, proceeds)

(ii) Boats ---- in the sea.    ( sail, sale)

(iii) Farmers ---seeds in the fields.   (sow, sew)

(iv) She ----a lot on the stage . ( practices ,practises)

(v) Terrorists are ----- ( prosecuted, persecuted)

(B) Name the part of speech.  (05)  

    Ladies are found of eating .

(C) Use in your sentence :  (10) 

 (i) By and by  (ii) Blow one own trumepet 

(iii) All in all   (iv)  With in a stone's throw

(v) Fall a prey to 


Q6. What is a precis ? Give its rules .  (20) 

Q7.Read the passage and answer the questions.

Great progress has been made in the fields of mechanization by the USA. It is spending lavishly on the labour saving machines .Efficient organization of highly mechanized system has resulted in maximum productivity in America. With mass production, the amenities of Life are available to almost every citizen . On the contrary , Europe subordinates the use of machines to human happiness and welfare .It encourages man's reliance on his own faculties and realizes the dangers inherent in the America scheme .However , great the advantages of mechanization may be, it crushes the creative faculty of man and makes a machine out of him .


1. what is the result of progress of mechanization in America?(3)

2. How has it affected the citizens? (3)

3. What is the case in Europe?   (3)

4.Make a precis with suitable title.   (11)

Q8Write answer on ONE of the following topics:   (20)

1.The Dignity of Labour   2. Earth quake 

3. Role of Banks   4.Advertising 



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